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Chris Recker discusses potential market and economic outcomes in 2024, and how markets have reacted to rate cuts in the past. Recorded 1/19/2024.
Chris Recker discusses how falling bonds yields have impacted stocks recently. Yet, earnings and free cash flow continue to be challenged. Chris also outlines bond market valuation relative to equities. Recorded 11/3/2023.
Through massive levels of unemployment and extreme factors pressuring small businesses, the pandemic shutdowns have introduced a new dynamic that could hinder the recovery.
Instead of investing in the future of the U.S. with initiatives that seek a pay-off, recent bailouts and market manipulations will only hamper long-term growth. Is the U.S. heading toward Japanification?
The U.S. has failed to grow. Doubling down on the policies of the past twenty years is a recipe for further failure. It's time to go American School, again.
The West will face some difficult truths as it confronts this health, economic, energy and financial crisis. We will emerge as a stronger, more self-sufficient and humane civilization.
Cracks that started before the world knew the term coronavirus (Covid-19) have now come under more pressure, as we digest the potential of a pandemic emanating from Wuhan, China.
By many measures the U.S. stock market is in a bubble. Valuations need to be justified by growth. Markets have diverged from fundamentals based on current and future expected performance.
The IMF's latest Global Financial Stability Report estimates a staggering amount of global corporate debt-at-risk. But, is the problem contained?
The Federal Reserve's policy course change has ushered in a new wave of monetary easing. Are they signaling a severe level of concern?
Valuations in the U.S. are at extremes only seen a handful of times in history, including 1929. This time there is a trade war and excess capacity outside of the United States.